The Website of Leonard Jacobson
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Are you ready to awaken? Are you ready to live a more present and conscious life?

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Leonard Jacobson is spiritual teacher who is deeply committed to helping others break through to the joyous experience of living in the NOW. He teaches how to become fundamentally present and how to arise in mastery of your mind and ego, so that you are no longer involuntarily pulled out of Presence. Leonard teaches that the fully awakened state of consciousness is available now. It is not something that occurs in the future. It is already here, waiting to be revealed. As you awaken into the present moment, your thoughts will stop, your mind will fall silent, and you will awaken to an inner silence and peace that is beyond understanding. You will begin to encounter what the mystics and Masters have been speaking of for centuries.

He is the author of four books, Words from Silence, Embracing the Present, Bridging Heaven & Earth and Journey into Now. His first children's book, In Search of the Light is now available. His books have been published in many countries including Poland, Romania, Lithuania, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China. A Danish version of Journey into Now will be available shortly.

Leonard Is the founder of The Conscious Living Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the awakening of human consciousness.

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"Each moment that you are present, you heal your past, brighten your future and deliver your soul." - Leonard Jacobson

  • In Search of the Light

    Indie Excellence Winner Book AwardsLeonard's latest book, IN SEARCH OF THE LIGHT is a 32 page children's picture book for children aged 3-93. The rhyming dialogue tells an enchanting story of animals in the meadow who experience a sudden eclipse of the sun. Not knowing what has happened, they believe that somehow the sun has lost its way, and they are concerned that it could mean the end of light. Considering the situation to be most urgent, they form an expedition of four who journey to unknown places in search of the source of the light. The story opens children and adults to a magical and childlike world of innocence where a beautiful and simple message of truth is revealed. This uplifting, suspenseful adventure invites an independence of spirit, encouraging the return to love and oneness and strength within.

    IN SEARCH OF THE LIGHT is beautifully illustrated by Italian illustrator, Fiammetta Dogi, who lives in Florence.

    » Click here to view the book trailer
    » Click here to hear Chapter 1
      » Click here to read reviews
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  • Journey Into Now

    Journey into Now

    Journey into Now is a comprehensive guide to awakening. In it, Leonard describes his two step path of awakening. First, master the art of being present, then arise in mastery of your mind and ego. He provides insight into the deepest questions which we must face if we are to become fundamentally free. There are hidden keys to awakening on every page. It is like a road map home. Review by Kristine Morris, ForeWord Magazine: "Journey Into Now offers long-time travelers on the spiritual path and new seekers a detailed map to enlightenment and a clear description of what it will look and feel like when one gets there. Of special interest is his inclusion, at the end of the book, of his own very personal awakening experiences. Spiritual seekers need look no further than this book to find the inspiration, challenge, and direction needed to become a "fully awakened Being."

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  • Words From Silence

    Words from Silence, An Invitation to Spiritual Awakening
    256 Pages

    This is Leonard's first book, first published in 1991. It This reveals many of the hidden keys to awakening, offering clear guidance to those on a spiritual path. Each page is a lyrically beautiful expression of an essential truth. Zen-like in its simplicity, it communicates directly with the heart and soul of the reader, gently inviting a response from the deepest level of Being.

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  • Embracing The Present

    Embracing the Present, Living an Awakened Life
    288 Pages

    This book casts a bright light upon the path of spiritual awakening. With perfect precision, the author leads the reader through the maze of the mind and its illusory world of the past and future into the real and illumined world of the present moment. To read this simple yet powerful and challenging book is to embark upon a spiritual journey which will touch you deeply and bring fullness and completion into your life.

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  • Bridging Heaven and Earth

    Bridging Heaven & Earth, A Return to the One
    286 pages

    This book provides insight and understanding, which arise from the deepest levels of enlightenment. Written in the same simple and poetic style as his previous books, the author takes us on a mystical tour of human consciousness covering such topics as the multi-dimensional nature of our existence, the eternal dilemma of God, the Soul's journey, the descent of Spirit, keys to awakening, the Universal laws of life, the truth about Jesus.

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  • Liberating Jesus

    Liberating Jesus

    Liberating Jesus is a film of the one man play, written and performed by Leonard Jacobson. Leonard plays the role of Jesus returned after a long and difficult journey since his death upon the cross. He has much to share with us about his life and death, and how his teaching has been misunderstood and misused. What he shares offers guidance to Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and anyone else interested in true awakening. Even atheists and agnostics will find it meaningful. During the last fifty years, many people from the West have turned to the East looking for answers. This movie masterfully brings East and West together, and it brings Christianity, Judaism and Islam into alignment. The returned Jesus shows us a way out of separation and conflict and reveals the Oneness at very heart of all paths and traditions.

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    » MORE DVDs

  • Grace and True Surrender

    Grace & True Surrender
    Latest CD (also available as an instant download)
    Recorded in Minneapolis,May 4, 2010
    65 minutes

    During his opening talk, Leonard explains how simple it is to become present. He reveals key aspects of the awakening process, which will make Presence the foundation of your life. Other topics include: Christ consciousness and God consciousness, The distinction between awakened Presence and mind/ego, Presence is an empowered state, The point in being present, Enjoying play within the world of time, Elements that invite Grace, True Surrender, Being Present with physical and emotional pain, An attunement into Presence, The problem with spiritual practice, and The present moment never gives up on you.

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  • The True Master

    The True Master
    mp3 instant download
    Recorded in Minneapolis - March 30, 2010
    1 hr. 17 Minutes

    During this evening, Leonard invites you to relax your rational mind and experience life as a mystic. This talk features topics such as, What does it mean to be a fully awakened being?, The True Master, The cause and cure for all human pain and suffering, and Accommodating repressed feelings from the past. Leonard finishes the evening by sharing the profound purpose of our journey and how we are here to reveal Oneness.

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Tokyo, Japan March 9 - 11, 2012   Shanghai, China - March 23-25, 2012   zhengzhou, China - April 2-4, 2012
  Beijing, China - April 11-15, 2012   Residential Retreat Mt. Madonna Center, Watsonville, CA

Hangzhou, Chinda July 27-August 5, 2012   JiuZhaiGou, China August 11-15, 2012   Provence, France
  Residential Retreat Kripalul Center

Leonard is now based in La Selva Beach, near Santa Cruz, CA. He offers teaching sessions on a regular basis which can be attended in person or via live video webcast. To attend the teaching sessions by live video webcast from anywhere in the world, click here. It's free, although we do ask for your donations so that we can continue to make these webcasts available to you.

Leonard also offers one day Intensives, weekend workshops and residential retreats. He travels extensively offering events throughout the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia.

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